Walking Distance: 3.0 mi.
Walking Time: 1 hr., 12 min. (1:33 - 2:45 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Walgreens, San Pablo Ave., San Pablo, CA
This afternoon I walked part of San Pablo Ave. (Shamrock to Richmond Parkway - show as double yellow lines) to Atlas Road, in San Pablo. I was heading toward Pt. Pinole Regional Shoreline Park.

I first walked northeast on San Pablo Ave., turning around at Shamrock (where I'd ended a walk last week on St. Patrick's Day). I turned around at Shamrock and headed back, southwest on San Pablo Ave., until I was confronted with three sidewalk crossings to get across the major intersection of San Pablo Avenue and Richmond Parkway, so that I could travel west toward Atlas Road.
After walking for awhile on Atlas Road, I turned around at the intersection of Atlas and Vista Drive, and walked back up Atlas to take a lunch break at the shopping center at Richmond Parkway and Atlas Road. Several food options are available here, including tacos and burritos, thai food, and also root beer floats at AandW if you're so inclined.
This stretch of Atlas Road had sidewalks, and ran slightly downhill toward the Bay, with new homes on the left, and industrial/commercial operations on the right. The road crossed the railroad tracks and ended at a business park at the bottom of the hill. Not surprisingly, given today's dense urban developments, there was more bird and other signs of wildlife on the industrial side -- also closer to the water. Two crows were busy dive-bombing a kite (bird) that was hovering mid-air. And, a flock of pigeons was circling around a fenced area further toward Point Pinole. Pillbugs and ladybugs spilled over onto the concrete sidewalks near an area with undeveloped dirt and grass.
Wildlife Sightings:
13 ladybugs; 9 pillbugs; 3 crows; 2 sea gulls; 1 blue jay; 1 dove; 12 pigeons; 1 kite (bird); 1 mockingbird; 1 rusty screw
Walking Time: 1 hr., 12 min. (1:33 - 2:45 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Walgreens, San Pablo Ave., San Pablo, CA
This afternoon I walked part of San Pablo Ave. (Shamrock to Richmond Parkway - show as double yellow lines) to Atlas Road, in San Pablo. I was heading toward Pt. Pinole Regional Shoreline Park.

I first walked northeast on San Pablo Ave., turning around at Shamrock (where I'd ended a walk last week on St. Patrick's Day). I turned around at Shamrock and headed back, southwest on San Pablo Ave., until I was confronted with three sidewalk crossings to get across the major intersection of San Pablo Avenue and Richmond Parkway, so that I could travel west toward Atlas Road.

Wildlife Sightings:

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