Walking Distance: 2.34 miles (7,443 steps)
Walking Time: 1 hour, 35 minutes (4:15 - 5:50 p.m.)
Start & End Point: Coyote Point Parking lot, San Mateo, CA
Today I walked around the North/West side of Coyote Point - up to, and around, the Yacht Harbor area and back. There were some nice views of the Bay, boats, and windsurfers. And I enjoyed seeing the distant San Francisco skyline appearing ever closer. However, I'll need to take fewer pictures or walk faster if I'm going to make it through San Francisco by the end Dec. 2009.
Make sure you get to Coyote Point relatively early in the afternoon. (Yesterday, (10/29) I attempted this same walk. However, due to the Bay Bridge closure for repairs, thousands of cars were trying to squeeze onto the nearby San Mateo bridge, and by the time I negotiated my way through traffic to the Coyote Point park entrance kiosk, the park person wouldn't let me through as it was too close to closing time. Ah well. I'm determined to keep going, despite natural and man-made inconveniences. Speaking of which, there was construction going on and some detour signs (to to some erosion and collapsed asphalt path) in a few sections (see image). So, make sure you look at a current map first.
Wildlife Sightings:
22 ducks; 60 Canada geese; 7 Western grebes (in water/Bay); 22 sea gulls; several planes flying overhead (into San Francisco Airport); and 3 crows.