Walking Distance: 2.5 miles
Walking Time: 1 hr., 15 min. (3:15 - 4:30 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Public parking lot, Seal Point Park, San Mateo, CA

Today, my friend Nancy and I walked from Seal Point Park, where we took the Wind Trail up the hill ( (a garbage mountain transformed into a place for trails and public art), and we stopped briefly to ponder many of the stainless steel sculptures on the hill. Most of the hill trails are paved and have wide enough clearance for a group of walkers, or a stroller or wheelchair. There is one set of stairs on the hillside facing the bay, but these can be avoided by taking another trail option.
There is a wind-surfing ramp/launch area at the foot of the hill on the bay side, with a gradual paved ramp, into the water. It looked quite nice, but also to be quite a hike from the parking lot on the other side of the large hill.

Once we returned to the Wind Walk sign, at the north end of the park, we followed the section of Bay Trail (shown as red line on Bay Trail map) over the bridge and past Ryder Park; and we continued on to the south end of Coyote Point, where we encountered a few puffs of wind before turning around and returning the same way.

Thank you to Nancy T. who joined me on this walk.
Wildlife Sightings:
27 ducks; 4 Canada geese; 3 cormorants; 1 bumblebee; 20 unidentified brownish shorebirds (UBBs); 12 coots; 1 tiny caterpillar on trail.

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