Walking Distance: 2.6 miles
Walking Time: 57 min. (6:36 - 7:33 p.m.)
Start and End Point: unpaved/dirt area at intersection of 5th St. E. and Napa Rd., Sonoma, CA

I walked from 225 Napa Road down to 8th Street East, and down 8th Street a bit, before turning around and returning to 5th Street, where I parked the car -- once again walking in a loop, as I usually do. This diverse, but pleasant landscape was made up of houses, and a few vineyards, a few commercial properties, and with a little hayfield and some sheep pasture thrown in for good measure.

Some mailboxes along this relatively rural route showed evidence of creative handiwork. (See small truck with flag, atop white mailbox, shown at right.)

There was also a mailbox the looked like a painted, black scotty dog. Seeing these little flourishes made me hope this area will not disappear under a wave of development. It reminded me of the area where I grew up in the South Bay, now packed with homes, with no room for fun like this.

I snapped a picture of a deer trying to hide in the shadows near the sheep pasture area. I had intended to take a picture of the sheep on my return trip back to the car, but by the time I returned to this point on Napa Road, the sheep were in an area hidden from view. I heard lambs and sheep bleating, but couldn't see them.

I could see the ladybug on the flowers (shown at right), but the breeze kept preventing a sharply focused picture. So, I took some artistic license with this image, instead of discarding it.
Wildlife Sightings:
4 little brown jobs (LBJs); 1 mockingbird; 4 blurs in bushes; 1 deer; 5 sheep; 2 rusty screws; 1 lizard; and 1 ladybug beetle.
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